‘The Hanging Testicles and the She-Spirit of Water,’ 2020 Patricia Domínguez

This video is part of La balada de las sirenas secas (The Ballad of the Dry Mermaids) (2020) a video-installation through which Domínguez speaks about the privatization of water in Chile, and how fresh water has been diverted to irrigate large-scale corporate avocado plantations in the Petorca region. Since the 1990s, Chile has been plagued by the appropriation of water by the agriculture industry in collusion with politicians. Many people do not have clean water for drinking and basic sanitation, a situation made even more troublesome with the spread of Covid-19.


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Produced by:
Curated by:
18/10 2020
Patricia Domínguez
The Hanging Testicles and the She-Spirit of Water, 2020
Fragment from La balada de las sirenas secas (The Ballad of the Dry Mermaids), 2020 [31 min 54 sec]
Single-channel video, color, sound
5 min 01 sec
Camera and Cinematography Emilia Martín | Assistant Camera and Sound Recording Ce Pams | Music Futuro Fósil | 3D Animation Álvaro Muñoz | Cast and Dialogue Las Viudas del Agua | Cantor a lo Divino Juan López | Drone Recordings Cárol Pastenes & Jorge Pérez | LED costume Alejando Abos-Padilla | Aguagramas Costume Design Patricia Claro | Sound and Video Editing Patricia Domínguez
Filmed in Petroglifos El Pedernal, Palquico, La Ligua, Plantaciones de aguacates El Carmen (Province of Petorca, Chile)
Acknowledgments - Las Viudas del Agua, MODATIMA (Movimiento de Defensa del Agua, la Tierra y la Protección del Medio Ambiente), MUCAM (Museo Campesino en Movimiento), and Códice Maya Tro Cortesiano, Museo de América, Madrid
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21) for st_age
  • No poverty
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions