Sustrato Documentation: Un ciclo de vida (A Cycle of Life) Zhenxiang Zhao

Participating in and documenting the Suq Centeno case study in Córdoba is like living and experiencing a serene life cycle amidst our fast-paced modern times. When was the last time we paid attention to the health of the soil? When was the last time we touched, saw, smelled, and even tasted the flavor of a seed? Before becoming food on our table, the crops are nurtured by farmers in the field who care deeply about producing quality and nutritious food.

Meanwhile, wild plants, lives eager to exist, teach other producers the skills and abilities needed to survive in drought conditions and climate change.

We, “flujos”, are like seeds brought from afar, well-treated, cared for, educated, and nurtured in this warm, open, friendly, and hospitable soil of Córdoba. In this magical journey, we have learned much from the local communities: to share ancestral wisdom, to solve problems with collective intelligence, and to value time spent together. We have also been concerned about the food of the future, co-imagining new forms of seed libraries, and advocating for non-human beings, speaking for them as human beings.

It is the first time we realize that exchanging seeds is another way of establishing relationships. The first time we feel that accompanying the growth of a plant or a project is a way to regain inner serenity, to reconnect with ourselves, and to connect with the people we so urgently need.

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13/01 2025
Organismo | Art in Applied Critical Ecologies: Year Zero
‘Seed Organismo’
Research Cluster
'Seed Organismo' is a research project by Giulia Ciola, Mario Framis Pujol, Roberta Di Cosmo, Valentin Roth and Zhenxiang Zhao. It was made possible through the engagement with different agents, such as Plata, Culturhaza, Future Farmers, Zuloark, La Fresnedilla, Simon Kraemer, José Esquinas, Ana Zamorano, Aterra Terra, Marta Jiménez Arévalo and María Buey.

'Seed Organismo' is a project conceived within Organismo, the Independent Study Program organised by TBA21–Academy and Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in relation to the Suq Centeno case study, developed in collaboration with Plata and Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso.