As pulso for SUQ CENTENO case study the artistic collective Plata accompanied the team in their process by sharing research methodologies and tools as well as facilitating techniques and resources in the field of the Agroecological context in Córdoba.
“Suq Centeno creates a meeting place enabling the crossing of knowledge around food, agroecology and the arts to revitalise the neighbourhood of San Agustin (Cordoba). The project has been created to add additional support to the Luciana Centeno Center which for the past two years has been developing an ongoing program dedicated to the community which operates within an re-identified nursery school. A souk (from the Arabic سوق sūq) is the name given in Spanish to the traditional markets of Arab countries. We’ve recovered this term for its semantic breadth: beyond a place of buying and selling, the Suq is the central space of meeting where active social participation of the community around food, crafts and other popular knowledge is created. Today, souks, rather than the norm, are the exception. As is the creation of a space to promote alternatives to an agro-food system in crisis. Our initial structure for the creation of SUQ CENTENO is based on the following concepts: ecology-food (Suq), climate challenges (Renaturalization), the development of ancestral knowledge (Oven), and collective intelligence (Solares, Library, Artist Residencies and Counterinformation).
Suq Centeno is also part, as a case study, of “Organismo | Art in Applied Critical Ecologies”, an independent study program designed by TBA21-Academy with the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and other collaborators.The areas of study articulated by this case are built from diverse moments of the productive chain ranging from socialization in decision making to sowing or labeling, entering into notions of alternative economies, seed banks, spaces of a/legality, oven technologies, vegetative cycles, climatic islands, as well as other modes of information distribution. The organizations and individuals participating in this study are members of Plata, Luciana Centeno, TBA21-Academy, artists in residence and students participating in this case study, as well as producers and users within the community.”