Reverberant Landscapes is a sound piece and a four-voice performance presented at the Salón de Actos of the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza on June 13, 2024, as a result of the research around the case study Territorio Abadía Retuerta of the Year Zero of Organismo.
The research was moved by an interest in exploring how we perceive the landscape beyond the limits of its representation, by re-imagining the Territorio as a complex system of traces and migrations that crossed paths at different temporalities, shaping what we see—or do not see—today.
During the case study team’s journey across the area of Sardón del Duero, they engaged with the practice of listening, using sound as an orientation device to navigate the echoes of history and to embrace the resonance of a mutating human and non-human landscape. Drawing from a large tradition of listening practices, sound-walks were used to bridge a deeper understanding of the invisible relationships beyond the map.
The sound piece collects field recordings gathered during the case study trip, which include a sound-walk with Asociación Ornitológica Vallisoletana, rattles and other ceramic archaeological findings from Centro de Estudios Vacceos Federico Wattenberg de la Universidad de Valladolid, as well as birds, waters, soils, and phantom bells.
The project aims to create a ‘sonic map’ through a series of ‘listening stations’ in the territory, as a way to pay attention to the different voices reverberating through time.