Jamghat Khoj and Zuleikha Chaudari

Jamghat is a non-profit organization of inspired young members and volunteers working with street children and other vulnerable children since 2003. Through its comprehensive care model, Jamghat aims to help children and women living and working on the streets of Delhi to realize their dreams and rejoin society by offering opportunities to make them self-sustained and more independent. Jamghat seeks to rehabilitate street children and to raise awareness within society by using the medium of street theater as well as interactive workshops, night-walks and other social means of engagements.

Jamghat aims not only to provide the homeless a home, but also to equip them with the tools needed to be an able, independent and responsible member of the society they inhabit. With the aim of being more than just a charity, Jamghat hopes to instill within each person they work with, that being a good human being is just as important as being a successful one.


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Produced by:
14/07 2023
Call to Action
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well-being
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life on land