freq_wave (84 channel live online remix performance with Carl Michael von Hausswolff & Finnbogi Pétursson) freq_wave | Carl Michael von Hausswolff | Finnbogi Pétursson

freq_wave (“freak wave”) is like a rogue tsunami: it is unpredictable, unexpected, and can hit with tremendous force. Unpredictable like this live online dialogue between Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Finnbogi Pétursson. 

Each at their respective computers and locations, remix a collaborative archive of the audio contributions by sound artists, composers, and musicians that also takes the form of the web-based installation on Ocean Archive. This project swells from countless spontaneous acts of solidarity and the will to connect and express. It is also an act of remembering. Our current health and economic crisis is inextricably linked to long-term climate chaos, social inequalities, and environmental injustices violently manifesting amongst many humans and other-than-humans around the world. 

freq_wave is a commission by TBA21–Academy and first unfolded on Ocean Archive coinciding with the digital program of the long-term research project Oceans in Transformation by the architectural research duo Territorial Agency. It now has a new life on st_age through two online remixing performances commissioned by TBA21–Academy and Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21).

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30/11 2020
freq_wave with Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Finnbogi Pétursson
Web-based interactive sound installation, collaboration of 84 artists curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff, live online remix performance recording with Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Finnbogi Pétursson
63 min 13 sec
List of participating artists: Jana Winderen, Finnbogi Petursson, Tommi Grönlund/Petteri Nisunen, PerMagnus Lindborg, Mike Harding, Kent Tankred, BJNilsen, Jacob Kirkegaard, Maia Urstad, Christine Ödlund, Peter Rehberg, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Zavoloka, Dungeon Acid, Christopher Chaplin, Klara Lewis, Joachim Nordwall, Bethan Kellough, Christina, Kubisch, Anna von Hausswolff, Lise-Lotte Norelius, Francisco Meirino, Puce Mary, Nadine Byrne, Chris Watson, Ulf Bilting, Brandon LaBelle, JG Thirlwell, Dark Morph, Yann Novak, Chandra Shukla, Tim Story, Dorit Chrysler, Stephen O’Malley, John Duncan, Okkyung Lee, Maria Chavez, Randall Dunn / Chloe Alexandra Thompson, Kali Malone, Yan Jun, Gus Ferguson, Jim O’Rourke, Minoru Sato, Bana Haffar, Dickson Dee, Ryoji Ikeda, Basel Abbas/Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Kim Ngọc, James Webb, Lawrence English, Francisco Lopez, Cielo Vargas, Felix Blume, Leonel Vásquez, Aoki Takamasa, Jonny Nash/Esmee Geerken, RAMZi, Alice Eldridge, Lisa Schonberg, Asma Ghanem, Yannick Dauby, Von Lichtern, Sun Araw, Manja Ristić, Maia Koenig, Yambe Tam/Dylan Henry Price, Soundwalk Collective, Dror Feiler, Tatiana Zobnina/Alonso Vázquez, Mats Lindström, Mark Fell, Adi Newton, Lary 7, Carl Abrahamsson, Tetsuo Furudate, Leif Elggren, Robert Crouch, Schneider TM, Zachary Paul, Thierry Charollais, Michael Esposito, Scot Jenerik, Daniel Menche, Scanner TM.
Commissioned and produced by TBA21–Academy
Courtesy of the artists and TBA21–Academy
  • Climate action
  • Life below water