The corals are in trouble. Up to 40% of the world’s reefs might already be gone, leaving a devastating effect on marine biodiversity. To help them, we need to think differently: by promoting creative, responsible, and respectful engagement with the ocean – especially if that means helping some coral find housing on the way!
The artist Claudia Comte has partnered up with Alligator Head Foundation (a Jamaican-based project focusing on science, art, and community) as part of her artist residency with TBA21–Academy, installing three sculptures on the Jamaican seabed. The sculptures function both as a hospitable planting surface for young corals and an attraction for divers, encouraged to engage with the natural habitat in a non-invasive and imaginative way.
The Alligator Head Foundation needs your support to extend this into Jamaica’s very first underwater sculpture park. Your contribution will support sculpture production and installation and the nursing and planting of the corals.