Stefanie Hessler

Stefanie Hessler Curator

Stefanie Hessler is a curator, writer, and editor. Her work focuses on ecologies, technology and expanded definitions of life and non-life from an intersectional feminist perspective. Hessler is the director of Kunsthall Trondheim in Norway and the curator of the 17th MOMENTA Biennale in Montreal, 2021. Recent curatorial projects include “Down to Earth” at the Gropius Bau/Berliner Festspiele, Berlin (2020); “Joan Jonas: Moving Off the Land II” at TBA21–Academy’s Ocean Space, Venice (2019); the 6th Athens Biennale (2018); and the symposium “Practices of Attention” at the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo (2018). Her monographic book Prospecting Ocean was published by The MIT Press and TBA21–Academy in 2019.

Image credits: Brittany Nelson