Àngels Miralda Curator
Àngels Miralda is a curator and writer based in Amsterdam and Barcelona. Her current research is based on the materiality and energy that are present in contemporary art, and which are stemming from the history of installation art. Her recent exhibitions have taken place at the Tallinn Art Hall, the MGLC – International Centre for Graphic Arts in Ljubljana (MGLC), the Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic in Zagreb, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chile, the Museu de Angra do Heroísmo in the volcanic archipelago of the Azores, and the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in Riga. Her writing and art criticism have been published in Artforum, Collecteurs Magazine, and for numerous catalogues and exhibitions including the National Gallery in Pristina, Casa Velázquez in Madrid, C/O Milan, the Suñol Foundation in Barcelona, and the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin.
Image credits: Gemma Miralda